Types of Commercial Driving Liscence

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Types of Commercial Driving Licence (CDL)

• There are several types of commercial driving licence, based on the type of CV one plans to drive. For example, a commercial driving licence for LMVs enables one to legally drive a car or jeep or a delivery van, while a CDL for an HMV lets him to drive heavy motor vehicles such as a bus. Listed below is a list of types of commercial driving licence.

Licence Type Usage

Like in other parts of the country, in Assam, an applicant for a driving licence needs to meet the following conditions

  • MGV :For medium goods vehicle
  • LMV :Light motor vehicles including motorcars, jeeps, taxis, delivery vans
  • HMV :Heavy Motor Vehicles
  • HGMV :Heavy Goods Motor Vehiclee
  • HPMV/HTV :Heavy passenger motor vehicle/Heavy transport vehicle
  • LMV – NT :Light motor vehicles used for non-transport purposee
  • MGV :Medium Goods Vehicle

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